A Devotional by Pastor Dorothy Hotchkiss

24 May 2020

Once Upon A Time ...

Where does your mind go when you hear those four words - once upon a time... sitting on a grandparent’s lap hearing a story? Or maybe holding your child, a niece, nephew sharing a story. I was so fortunate that my Grandma lived downtown in the perfect “grandma house”. I could go and spend time with her and that is what she did ... spent time with me when I was there. One of my favorite memories is when we would go into the living room and sit on the sofa and Grandma would TELL me stories. The large framed picture that hung on the wall over the sofa is hanging in my living room. When I look at the picture I remember her facial expressions as she would tell the stories. A special phrase is “splish, splash, splutter” ! That’s what happened when the fox poured what he thought was the Little Red Hen into to the hot, boiling water it went “splish, splash, splutter!” Instead, it was the stones the Little Red Hen found on the ground to put into the sleeping fox’s bag so it would weigh just about the same... I could go on with the whole story, but I also remember “Once Upon A Time” stories that our Lord and Savior shared with His disciples — the parables.

Jesus used the parables to instruct the disciples and share His good news with the crowds. Telling stories . . . imagine watching Jesus tell a story and see His facial expressions. See His body language. “Hear” a few examples. I am going to take the liberty of starting each story with “Once upon a time” there was a...landowner who planted a vineyard (Matthew 15). Once upon a time two men went to the temple to pray (Luke 18). Once upon a time a farmer went out to sow his seed (Matthew 13). Once upon a time there was a mustard seed (Mark 4). You may know these stories. Jesus’ once upon a time stories offer you and me the promise of new life, strength, forgiveness, mercy and grace.

Have the past weeks, months, the “stay home, stay safe” quarantine, caused us to wonder if our “yesterday” will now be shared as a “once upon a time”? Hmm. Are we facing uncharted seas? Yes. Are we alone? No. Is there hope? Yes. How do you find hope? In the presence of God! Maybe COVID-19 has some positive life changing lessons for each of us. Don’t misunderstand me; I do not like what has happened. I could not list all of the ways that you and I see lives of all ages being reshaped by fear, anger, and resentment in addition to the sickness that lurks about!

From the New King James Version we are reminded of the promises given to believers. Each verse carries a special meaning. These are not “once upon a time” stories or illustrations. These are promises from Jesus Christ.

Hebrews 13:8: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever”. Promise He shared as He walked this earth and are the same promises for you and me today and tomorrow.

James 4:8: “Come near to God and He will come near to you.”

2 Thessalonians 3:3: “But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.”

2 Corinthians 4: 8-9: “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.”

Psalms 121:1-2: “I will lift up my eyes to the hills - from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”

The COVID-19 virus brought most of the world to a grinding halt as schools and businesses closed and the stock market plunged. However, restricted movement isn’t the same as being still. Many hearts have raced in fear and panic during this worldwide pandemic. The Psalmist wrote, “Be still, and know that I am God!” - Psalm 46:10.

“Once upon a time” stories were used by Jesus to share God’s good news, God’s promises. In spite of the restrictions we feel, take the time this week to remember a “Once Upon A Time” story — and take the time to share it with someone!

I continue to pray for essential workers and their families. Pray for those who continue to suffer from loss of employment. Pray for those who are dealing with loss of businesses and pray for communities as they feel the financial destruction of their surroundings. Lord, hear our prayers! Amen.

Pastor Dorothy Hotchkiss of Webster’s Crossing UMC and Groveland Federated Parish.

dhotch2@frontiernet.net 585/406-7030 cell/text
