A Devotional by Pastor Dorothy Hotchkiss

10 June 2020

“ ... I will declare Your name to My brethren; In the midst of the assembly I will sing praise to You.” Hebrews 2:12 NKJV

Strange combination of events! How many times in life do we experience how someone else’s decisions make a difference in our life? How often does it appear we can make something easier or better by building on the work of someone else? It happened in the Bible. We like to call it divine intervention or miracles or a God moment. Somehow we, the humans, want to make sense of everything. Sometimes we just need to quiet our heart and say “thank you Lord”.

I was looking at some old hymns and seeking their background. Old hymns are one of those things that remind me who I am. In a small town in Allegany County I lived a farm girl life on a progressive six generation farm. A farm house built to hold two families and it did all of my childhood. I felt sorry for the kids living in the village with one exception, in the spring. They would go to school without boots a month before I could. That was very embarrassing. The church was the center of my family’s life and we attended all the services, unless a cow was having a calf, or a waterline broke. Yup, Sunday School where we heard Bible Stories, enjoyed activities and action songs. It was fun. Sunday worship was, ok. Watched all the folks s-i-n-g! Some loud, some really off key, some just beautiful, best yet — the organ (the organist played with both hands and two feet and she was barefoot). Sunday evening: — teen youth group —upbeat choruses, quick Bible lesson or Bible games and visiting. THEN, Sunday evening worship: — lots of music — sometimes two pianists at the same time ... a Bible lesson often with maps and interesting history facts. Thursday evening: choir practice followed by the least of my favorites — Prayer Meeting: usually just grandmas from different churches and kids that had to stay to wait for a ride. The music was quiet and s-l-o-w. Usually the “retired” pianist or organist would play. There were lots of prayer requests, weeping, and long — long — long prayers of thanksgiving and a cry for guidance and healing, prayers said by the people that attended. Don’t get me wrong, I remember several of those prayer meetings and the prayers offered. It was amazing to me how a hymn could be upbeat and joyful during one service and a different pace at another service ... maybe that was so we would concentrate on the words, the message of the hymn.

Are you wondering what all of that had to do with building on another’s experience, or divine intervention? Music touches the soul! Every soul is unique! Music is how I remembered verses, the books of the Bible, even Bible stories. As I was looking at the old hymns the words rattled my heart and mind and inspired me to share the story of a hymn that you may not know: Christ for the World We Sing, written in 1868 by Rev. Dr. Samuel Wolcott a pastor in Cleveland OH. He was listening to an inspirational lecture by the founder of YMCA from London, George Williams. Mr. William’s heart was heavy for young men living on the streets, gambling, fighting, and time spent in local bars. Following the lecture Pastor Wolcott wrote a hymn while walking home through the streets of Cleveland, OH.

The lyrics “Christ for the World We Sing” open every stanza followed by “The World to Christ We Bring.” We have just celebrated Pentecost, the birth of the church. Disciples were sent out into the world to share Jesus Christ, “The World to Christ We Bring!” How are we doing?

The heart of the hymn written by Samuel in Cleveland OH was inspired by the Christ centered desire and driving force of George from across the pond, London! How many times in life do we experience how someone else’s decision makes a difference in our life? ... strange combination, divine intervention, a miracle, a God moment ...

Here is the promise offered in the last verse of the hymn, [Jesus Christ] “Reclaimed [you] from [your] error’s ways, [we, disciples of Jesus Christ] inspired [you] with hope and praise. TO [you] CHRIST BELONG!

Amen, let it be so.

Pastor Dorothy Hotchkiss of Webster’s Crossing UMC and Groveland Federated Parish.

dhotch2@frontiernet.net 585/406-7030 cell/text
