A Devotional by Pastor Dorothy Hotchkiss

29 July 2020

Greetings in the name of the Lord!

When was the last time you read Psalm 139, its 24 verses? I could include it in this devotional — but I would rather have you open your Bible. This psalm could be read once a week, and there would be something different each reading that would truly jump off the page for you. Some would be a confidence builder, others would sting.

Listen to a few of the statements from the Common English Bible in the 139th Psalm, authored by David. Yes, the boy that killed the giant with stones from his sling-shot. The man that became king and wasn’t perfect. Verse 1 “Lord, you have examined me. You know me.” God knows YOU. Smile, God loves you! Verse 4 “There isn’t a word on my tongue, Lord that you don’t already know completely.” - Whoa — that’s a thought stopper. Verse 6 “That kind of knowledge is too much for me; it’s so high above me I can’t fathom it”. Now human nature takes over — in the Bible, in the Book of Psalm there is a clear case of “Fight or Flight” ... if you haven’t read the psalm, GUESS what David wrote — or better yet ... .what would you do right now? Verse 7: “Where could I go to get away from your spirit? Where could I go to escape your presence?” Has that ever crossed your mind? Have you wanted to be free from the feeling of needing to do what it right? Crying out - just let me be me!

I’m going to skip from verse 6 over to verse 23. Verses 7-22 David is crying out to God saying all of the places he could try to hide and repeats — and you [God] would be there too!! One of the phrases I read again and again ... it gives me the promise of God’s presence. David celebrates the realization that where ever you hide, even there God’s strong hand will hold him tight! David gives a beautiful description of creation that takes place in the womb. He also tells God he will hate those who speak against God and His work. I am leaving out some of the beautiful details. You should read it for yourself.

In 24 verses how can someone express resentment that God is too close and knows everything about us, about our thinking? Then he chooses to hide, run from God’s spirit; only to realize God’s amazing “greatness” is EVERYWHERE. Starting in verse 23 David asks God to examine him. to look at his heart! Would you want to be aware when God is looking at your heart? What will He find? Will God see darkness with blotches of grey? Our heart is no different than David’s. David came back to God, wanted to spend time with Him and seek God directly. David wants to be put to the test. Are you ready to be put to “the test”, to be spiritually ready to walk the eternal path?

In Psalm 139 the emotion of life’s journey never stops. Just like our lives today — the emotion, the challenges, the choices never stop. Like King David — come back. God’s strong hand will hold you tight!

Pastor Dorothy Hotchkiss of Webster’s Crossing UMC and Groveland Federated Parish.

dhotch2@frontiernet.net 585/406-7030 cell/text
