The Canadice School House #7. Photo courtesy of Tom Westbrook.
The first recorded meeting of District No. 7 was called on May 1, 1835, for the purpose of procuring a house for the school until a new school house was finished on a 1/2 acre purchased of A. W. Austin. Harvey Brown was trustee for one year, and Freddie Hoppough trustee for two years, with A. W. Austin elected for a three year term.
The annual meeting was to be the first Monday in October of each year. Joseph Tague was district clerk, a position he held for 25 years.
At the first regular meeting a house was purchased of Jacob Siscoe for the temporary school building. At several special meetings the same year funds were voted to finish the new school house. The sum was $323.44. The school house was to be painted red with white trim, and slate color inside.
In 1858 only one trustee was elected. In 1863 meetings called to build a substantial fence but evidently the school burned that spring, and in August plans were made to build a new one, modeled after No. 2 in Canadice Hollow, at a cost of $345. This was to be built on the new site. A yearly item was five to 10 cords of seasoned hardwood carried in to the woodshed. Each year insurance on the school was voted. In 1884 yearly meetings were changed to August. In 1889 the school house grounds were enlarged by a strip two rods wide at the back of the grounds.
Teachers wages before 1890 were less than $100. Fire wood 20 inches long was $1.30 a cord.
In 1898 new desks replaced the pine benches. In 1911 yearly meetings were changed to May and by 1911 teachers wages were up to $200; by 1922, up to $900.
In 1931 transportation was given to high school pupils to Hemlock High School. In 1945 the school was closed the last trustee being Mrs. Edna Becker. In 1946 the school house was sold to the town of Canadice.
At present students from this district are transported to the school at Honeoye, where they attend classes at the beautiful, new Honeoye Central School.